DODGE 132647

Min. Order: 1 Piece

Bearing Price

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Bearing Information
Bearing manufacturers
Manufacturer Part Number
DODGE 132647
ABB Type Designation415 - 7 SLV RTL GROMMET KIT
Catalog Description415 - 7 SLV RTL GROMMET KIT
Country of OriginUnited States (US)
Customs Tariff Number84823000
Global Commercial Alias132647
Gross Volume256 in³
Gross Weight1.362 kg
Invoice Description415 - 7 SLV RTL GROMMET KIT
Made To OrderNo
Minimum Order Quantity1 piece
Order Multiple1 piece
Product ID7B132647
Product NameSleevoil Bearing Parts
Product Net Height10.16 cm
Product Net Length20.32 cm
Product Net Weight1.362 kg
Product Net Width20.32 cm
Product TypeUndefined
Quote OnlyNo
Selling Unit of Measurepiece
WEEE B2C / B2BBusiness To Business
WEEE CategoryProduct Not in WEEE Scope